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7 Strategies for Mental Wellness including a Personal Safety/Self-Care Plan
Free Download
Do you struggle with or live with a mental health challenge like depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts or other mood disorders?
Or do you know someone that does and needs some tools to help get out of the low energy state?
Do you need a plan to save your life when you're stuck in those dark places? Or know someone that does?
If so, download our free guide which gives access to our 7 Strategies for Mental Wellness and includes our Safety/Self-Care Plan designed by Make Mental Health Matter.
A Great Reminder Daily
Download, print and save in a place that you can reference back daily or when stuck in those dark places. This can be life saving to have an alternative plan instead of taking your own life.
You have the resources within yourself or around you to get unstuck, but first you need to identify these resources.
Super Easy To Follow
You do not have to go about this on your own. It doesn't have to be challenging and you don't have to have a degree to help yourself. These strategies are easy to understand and try. Fill in the blanks on the safety/self-care plan and use as your guidance for any low points in life.
If you need more guidance, take one of our Masterclasses and learn how to fill out the form, so that it is helpful for you when you need it.
Shift Your Mindset Bootcamp goes in-depth how to build this plan. Re-Engage resilience touches on this plan.