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We started our volunteer based program in 2019 for all ages of volunteers and across the state of Colorado. Volunteerism is a great way to be a part of a community of people that are determined to make this world a better place.

Research shows that feel good hormones and brain activity spike during volunteer activities, so you can change the state of our own mental health by joining in on the fun.  

Volunteer today by clicking the link below and filling in the form.

Here are 7 Mental Health Benefits of Volunteering:

1) May Reduce Stress Levels

2) Decreases the Risk of Depression

3) Prevents Feelings of Isolation

4) Increases Confidence 

5) Gives a Sense of Purpose and Meaning

6) Volunteers have higher empathy skills

7) Boosts the “Happiness Effect.”

Committee Members


3 Volunteer Committees

Choose which committee you want to be a member. 3 to choose from: Events, FUNdraising, or Community Outreach. 

Monthly meetings or whatever the leader of the committee decides. Possibly more work around events or other inititives. 

We LOVE our volunteers. Thank you for your support and hard work. We are grateful for you!!

Volunteer form

Yes! I want to volunteer!! 

Thanks for volunteering!!

Click the link to order from our Amazon Charity List and items will be delivered directly to us.
Backpack for Kiddos volunteer and backpacks image
Vendor booth with 2 volunteers
Vendor booth at Ride for Hope image of BCC Evolution shirt
Capes for Superheroes, 5 volunteers with capes
Out of Darkness Walk with multiple participants image
3 purple Love Life hoodies on 3 people
Image of large group of family
Volunteers putting together homeless care packages
Large group of volunteers
Colored superhero capes
Bags for homeless in truck
Backpacks for Kiddos volunteers and stacks of items
Picture of group at Gala in 50's attire
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